The Abel Prize award ceremony

His Royal Highness Crown Prince Haakon will present the 2024 Abel Prize to Michel Talagrand in the University Aula in Oslo, 21. May.

Michel Talagrand. Photo: Peter Badge. The University Aula. Photo: Eirik Furu Baardsen

Time: 21 May, 2:00 PM - 3:30 PM

Place: The University Aula, Karl Johans gt. 47, Oslo

Practical Information:
The Abel Prize is presented by His Royal Highness Crown Prince Haakon, and the audience is therefore asked to take their seats no later than 1:30 PM.
The award ceremony will start promptly at 2:00 PM.

All our guests are requested to bring a valid ID. Registration is required for the event. Please remember to cancel your registration if you cannot attend, so that someone else may take your place.

The host of the ceremony is Hedda Award-winning actress Lena Kristin Ellingsen.

There will be musical performances by the band Salto Mortale, featuring a blend of French chansons, American jazz, and opera, making the encounter with the band an unpredictable and thrilling affair.

Reception and interview
All guests at the award ceremony are invited to a reception in Domus Bibliotheca afterwards. Here, NRK science journalist Torkild Jemterud will interview Michel Talagrand. Finger food and drinks will be served. The reception starts at 3 PM.

Lena Kristin Ellingsen Photo: Janne Rugland
Salto Mortale. Photo: Ketil Hardy


Monday 20 May
5 PM: Wreath-laying ceremony at the Abel monument. Abelhaugen in the Palace Park, Oslo. Open for the public

Tuesday 21 May
2 PM: Prize ceremony in the University Aula. Universitetsplassen, Karl Johans gate, Oslo.
Sign up for the prize ceremony
7 PM: The Abel Prize banquet, hosted by the Norwegian Government. Akershus Castle. By invitation only.

Wednesday 22 May
10 AM – 4 PM: The Abel Lectures, Georg Sverdrup’s house, The University of Oslo, Blindern.
Sign up for the Abel Lectures
7 PM: The Abel Party. The house of The Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters, Drammensveien 78, Oslo.
Sign up for the Abel Party (Remember to give notice if you are later prohibited from attending)

Thursday 23 May
11 AM: The Holmboe Prize ceremony, Oslo Cathedral School, Ullevålsveien 31
Open for the public

Friday 24 May
The Abel Day, Stavanger
9.30-10.30 AM: The Abel Laureate visits an elementary school in Sola
10.30 AM: Activities for students
2 PM: The Abel Laureate’s lecture at The University of Stavanger

The Abel Day is hosted by The University of Stavanger (UiS), contact person Bjørn Henrik Auestad
For other questions about The Abel Week, contact project manager Pål Pettersen, DNVA