

Vivamus et neque nec odio consequat luctus. Vestibulum blandit scelerisque nunc, ac dictum lacus ornare at.

The Abel Prize award ceremony

Award ceremony and acceptance speech in the University of Oslo’s Ceremonial Hall.

Get to know Luis Caffarelli

A short film produced by Gyro

Luis A. Caffarelli's reaction to being awarded the Abel Prize

The general secretary of The Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters tells Luis Caffarelli that he has been awarded the Abel Prize of 2023. Caffarelli is accompanied by wife, Irene Gamba.

Luis Caffarelli: Non-linear and non-local surface structure problems and some of its applications

Sylvia Serfaty: From diffusions to fluid equations: the question of regularity

Alessio Figalli: From elastic membranes to ice melting

Luis Silvestre: Fully nonlinear elliptic equations and applications